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How to Take the Best OOTD Pictures

When you’re proud of your outfit, it only makes sense to show it off to everyone. But how can you...

  • 4 min read
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  • How to Take the Best OOTD Pictures
  • Photography
  • Photography tips

W hen you’re proud of your outfit, it only makes sense to show it off to everyone. But how can you do that without resorting to the same pose in front of the same mirror every single time? Allow us to tell you how to take the best OOTD pictures, so you can make your social media feed come to life.

Decide: Outfit or Body?

Neither are wrong! However, it is important to decide whether you want to show off your outfit (whether folded or hung) or if you want to show off yourself wearing the outfit. One can be a cute filler, and the other can be an opportunity to show how beautiful you are in whatever you wear.

Depending on what you decide, the style of photography will be different. If you simply want to show your outfit, make sure there are no creases in the folds (unless they are set specifically for aesthetic appeal). Add some accessories, and filler objects such as leaves or flowers, depending on what suits the outfit. Aerial photographs work best if your clothes are on a flat surface, such as a table or the floor. If your clothes are hung somewhere, put an Ottoman nearby and set your accessories on it. Or, use background enhancers such as curtains or artificial plants.

On the other hand, if you are capturing your body in its entirety, have a look at these tips below!

Reduce Background Distractions

Take a look at the photograph below. The reason that her outfit stands out is that she is standing in front of a plain blue wall, and is allowing her outfit to speak for itself. This doesn’t mean that you have to go ahead and buy yourself a new backdrop in order to take a simple OOTD shot, but it does mean that you should clear your background of any messy-looking things or extras that take away from the attention on your outfit.

Also, you do not necessarily need to use a white background, unless your theme asks for it. You can simply choose any monochrome color that is different from your outfit, and it will let your outfit look striking. For a matched look, you can choose a background with a similar color but a different shade. For example, if you are wearing black, you can select a gray background. If you are wearing pastel green, then you can stand in front of a forest green hedge. It would look super cute!

Take as Many Photos as Possible

Multiple shots, whether taken through a timer or with the help of another human, are the best way to get the perfect shot. If you post multiple photos, it can allow you to choose the best ones out of all the photos you take. Also, if you’re even a little tech-savvy, you can combine two mediocre photos into one great photo, by eradicating the problems in one by using the other photo.

You can select different poses, different ways your outfit is styled (is your shirt tucked in or not?), and even select different backgrounds. Experiment with shadows and lighting, and you may unexpectedly end up with a photo you didn’t plan for but end up loving!

You Can Do It All on Your Phone

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an expensive camera or an expensive lens to get the best shot. If you have a smartphone with a half-decent camera and natural lighting, you can often get a great photograph. This is because natural lighting reduces the graininess that most people are scared of when it comes to taking photos on their phones.

Also, using your phone reduces the time it takes to upload pictures from your camera to your laptop and then edit them. You can easily just take your phone, shoot the picture, select the one you like, edit it right on your phone, and even post it directly from your phone!

Don’t Forget the Hashtags

There are many hashtags used for pictures of clothing, but #OOTD remains on top of the list if you’re showing off what you decided to wear that particular day. Hashtags increase your reach, and possibly get you, new followers, since they put your photos on the Explore page. They allow like-minded people to find your account, thus helping you grow. Also, if you scroll through the hashtag, you can even find so much inspiration for OOTD ideas! You don’t have to copy what someone else is doing, but you can certainly get ideas on how to take the best OOTD pictures by looking at other people’s OOTD photos.