Health & Fitness

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

We have all felt the fear and the stress of hair fall. When we brush our hair or untangle it...

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  • Tips to Prevent Hair Loss
  • How to Prevent Hair Loss
  • Hair Loss Prevention

W e have all felt the fear and the stress of hair fall. When we brush our hair or untangle it in the shower, the last thing we want to see is chunks of hair coming off in our hands. In fact, it can stress you out so much that it may itself become the cause of hair fall. If we knew some tips to prevent hair loss, maybe things would be different.

In every case, prevention is a lot better and easier than treatment or remedies. As soon as you notice your hair falling a little more than usual, take notice and start the prevention strategy immediately! 

Accept Natural Hair Fall

Before we start giving you tips, let us mention that some amount of hair fall is very normal and natural. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is natural to lose about 50-100 hair a day. And if you have curly hair that is not brushed every day, that number can stack up when you finally untangle your hair and seem like much more. So, don’t freak out too early, make sure you monitor how much hair you are losing and if it is, in fact, something to worry about.

Managing Stress

This may as well be the most important thing on your list. Your body cannot perform at its optimal level, or perform cell reparations/turnovers, etc, if you have an autonomic nervous system disorder, such as anxiety, OCD, or depression.

If you try to reduce hair fall through topical means, you would be treating the symptom rather than the deeper issue that needs to be addressed. Stress is a major reason for hair loss and you must pay attention to your own self if you want to assuage it.


Another big reason for hair fall could be the lack of proper nutrients, minerals, or vitamins needed for the healthy upkeep of your body. If you are not into healthy eating, your body is probably not receiving the right ingredients it needs for cell turnover, dermal reparations, and even emotional regulation. 

Ask your doctor what multivitamins would be best for you. Or do some research online and buy a bottle over the counter. We can guarantee that you will see the difference within a week. The human body is designed to work best when it receives everything needed for maximum functionality. 

Hair Deep Conditioning and Oiling

If you have dry hair, your hair fall could also be a result of a lack of hydration. Just like our skin, our hair needs hydrating nourishment to be shiny and bouncy as we imagine. It is a great idea to create some homemade deep conditioning potions to apply to your hair for an hour or so before washing. Some good ingredients are aloe vera, olive oil, honey, egg yolk, vitamin E capsules, and yogurt.

You can even do some hot oil therapy by heating your favorite oil in the microwave and applying it to your hair. Afterward, take a steaming hot towel and wrap it around your oiled hair for about 30 minutes. This is an excellent way to get the hydration deep into your hair shaft.

Drinking Enough Water

We know you’re tired of hearing it, but this is really an important factor for your overall health. All doctors recommend drinking at least 8-10 full glasses of water a day. The more water you drink, the more hydration your body receives. Plus, drinking water flushes out toxins from your body and boosts your immune system.

Washing Only When Needed

Excessively washing your hair could also be a reason for hair fall. Shampoos contain sodium Laureth sulfate, which is the exact ingredient also used in dish soaps and detergents. SLS strips your hair of moisture, and if you shampoo your hair every day, it can make your hair dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Wash your hair only when needed, ideally 3 times a week.

Tying and Brushing Less

We also encourage you to not handle your hair too much. Keeping your hair tightly tied up all the time or brushing it more than once a day can disrupt the roots too much, leading directly to hair loss.

In the end, it is up to you to figure out the needs of your hair and fulfill them! Hope our tips to prevent hair loss will help you do just that.